Recently I was invited to a Fakemon collab stream organized by Benjingle, joined with my artist friends Kirara, SimplyWrencc, and Torakami. I’m excited since it’s been awhile since I get to do a collab art with fellow artists and it turned out to be a lot of fun! You can watch the stream VOD in the link below (it’s about 4 hours of yapping haha) or scroll down to see the drawing results!
So here’s the stream concept!
- We design our own Fakemon or fanmade Pokemon design. Each artist got randomized two Pokemon types to start with.
- We take turns to draw the evolution for each other’s Fakemon design.
- We have limited time of 30 minutes to draw each evolution so we have to think of ideas on the spot! Each Pokemon will have 3 stages of evolution, and the last one can be flexible (Mega, Gigantamax, stone evolution, alternate versions, etc.)
- We also take turns presenting and discussing the Fakemon lore and names together after each stage.

So here’s introducing my little fella called Scamfur! The types I got are Dark / Flying.
I wanted to stay away from Murkrow’s design since it came to mind first, so I thought of finding another flying animal to base it off with and came up with flying squirrel. I wanted to make sure it doesn’t look too similar to Emolga so I thought of giving a bigger, fluffier tail as an emphasis.
For the Dark type aspect I wanted to include the concept of thief flying squirrel, and since it’s a starting base for an evolution line it’s gonna be a small silly thief and I’m like – who knows it’s up to the next person how successful it’ll be maybe it can be a mafia boss or conman? I’m excited to see the ideas for the evolutions!
I added some extra elements like crowbar wood shape, tail that can transform shapes so it can be used as a lockpick, thief mask (I got asked will it summon Persona when it got taken off? Hmmm who knows~), and a beanie hat from an acorn. I thought it also got a pocket to put in stuff it’s stealing. I’m not really good and rarely do character design like this, but I hope others can appreciate this little fella too!

Now here’s the evolution line made by my friends! This might be how it feels like a proud parent to see your kid grow :’) It’s interesting to see how the hat keeps evolving to fedora hat and top hat – the clothing became more fancy too and from a crowbar it ended up holding a very legit looking briefcase!

So here’s the overall result from the stream! It was a fun creative exercise and it was exciting to see the other artists’ way to expand on design ideas from the previous versions. (You can see the arrow on the top right image to see the order of drawing, and the name on top left shows who made the first Fakemon on that box!)
I made Borukukki, a Rock/Ghost type drunk looking tanuki, Tsukimimi the long eared Normal/Dragon type, and Doremyr the dream dust Fairy/Dragon type in its alternate form I based on dreamcatcher with moon theme. I didn’t get to draw for Popipa but I like how silly its evolution line is and we just went on with reorganizing its silly name to Pipapo, Papipo, and uh, finalyl Opipapo lol.
Everyone made fun Fakemon designs to work with and I tried my best to use the elements they used and add on to it and hoped I could do some justice! Please do check out everyone’s work there!

For the end of the stream, Benji gave us a quick drawing challenge – drawing random Pokemon from memory! We screwed up mostly on that Braviary and Kaldeo because we forgot how they look like and we got one minute each to draw 😭
It got pretty late and we got to wrap up the stream soon after, but it’s been fun! I’m thankful to get to be part of this stream and we may be planning for some more art collab drawing challenges in the future so stay tuned!